
  • Must be 21+
  • Valid from of identification required


  • Must be 18+
  • Valid from of identification required
  • Valid from of recommendation letter or state MMIC is required

Recreational Registration

Medical Registration

  • Your identity card needs to be verified before activating your account.
  • Please complete the form below and click the REGISTER button at the bottom. We'll reply as soon as possible.
  • Your identity card and recommendation letter needs to be verified before activating your account.
  • By registering with us using below form, you agree to allow a Push representative to verify your medical recommendation with your licensed California physician.
  • Please complete the form below and click the REGISTER button at the bottom. We'll reply as soon as possible.

First Name is required.

Last Name is required.

Valid email is required.

Username cannot be empty.

Password should be minimum 8 characters and should contain one number,one capital character and one special character.

Passwords dosen't match.

Phone number is required.

/ /

Date of birth should be valid and patient should be 18 years or older.

Date of birth should be valid and patient should be 21 years or older.

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Select Or Drop files here
Max size for upload is 10MB
Only images and PDFs are accepted
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Select Or Drop files here
Max size for upload is 10MB
Only images and PDFs are accepted
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Not a registered username / email.

Your friend's registered username or email.

Valid user

Please read the statements below

By clicking REGISTER I Agree. I certify under penalty of perjury that the information provided is true and accurate, and I am not seeking membership for any fraudulent purposes. I will not distribute medicines received here to any other person, nor use it for non-medical purposes. By joining, I authorize Push Delivery to legally produce or obtain, package, and deliver my medicine to my requested address.

By clicking REGISTER I Agree. Any member of law enforcement must disclose the fact that he/she is a member of law enforcement prior to becoming a member of the Push Delivery. Unless I have disclosed the same in writing, by becoming a member of Push Delivery, I promise, state and affirm under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of California that I am not a member of, affiliate with, nor employed by any law enforcement entity or agency.

Please fill up all the mandatory fields.
Copy of your ID card is required.

Reco. Expiry. year is invalid.